Sunday, August 5, 2007

While Larry Was Away

While Larry was fishing in Cabo, Lisa came to visit. We had a great time together, as always. But what really makes me laugh is the fact that while Larry was not here, Lisa and I watched baseball every night, and visited his construction site!! We also went to a movie which was a musical. Have I lost my mind?

To be honest, I recorded all the games for Larry, in case Barry Bonds broke the record while he was out of the country. But then we wanted to fast forward through them daily to see if he actually hit any home runs. That is the ONLY way to watch a game. :-) The question of the day is.... WHEN WILL BARRY BONDS BREAK THE RECORD SO I CAN STOP WATCHING GAMES???

Nina made a great dinner for us. I always enjoy my time when I visit them. This time we got to hear about Eric's recent 5 day back packing trip, where he caught over 50 fish. I played in the "tent" that Allan gave the kids, told stories, listened to their stories, went swimming, played hide 'n seek, played with the cars, hid the cars no less than 20 times, hunted for cars that Daniel and Luke hid, and..... after all that, Daniel said, "Grandma, will you play with me?"


Triple Creek said...

So true! The boys could play forever. We loved having you and Aunt Lisa up to visit! It's always fun for Ellie and the boys to have new people come to visit or should I say play with them. :-) In response to the question. I think it will be the first home game. When is that BTW? :-)

Anonymous said...

barry didnt do it tonight, and i am so mad.....
hes going to do it tomorrow!!! i promise :-) i LOVE giants games :-) and i know he will break it tomorrow....if he doesnt, well....i dont know what to say :-)
im impressed you guys watched least quickly :-)

Triple Creek said...

He will break it tonight first at bat, first pitch.


Katie and the Fam said...

I say he'll break it...last Tuesday night. :)

Hey, that dinner looks like my Chicken Ranch Braid recipe. :)

Anonymous said...

Good "guess" Katie.

Yes, that was your recipe. Did you like how we put it in a nice shape and added strawberries to make look nice on the tray?

Grandma Susi said...

Fun Girl Time!!!! Always good!

I can't wait to hear Conner say "Will you play with me Grandma?" :) :) :)

Unknown said...

The picture of you and connor in the snow is adorable. The one where you have him wrapped up in your coat. That reminds me of the one you have with either Katie or Eric at a cabin. You're out on the porch w/ snow in the back ground. Great pictures!!

Can't wait to catch up w/ you sometime!
