Monday, December 3, 2007

Holiday Celebrations Begin

On Thanksgiving, the minute Ellie saw me, she ran to me with open arms and wanted to be picked up. I love that we were both wearing brown.

When they arrived to decorate the Christmas train, Nina noted Ellie and I were in matching colors again, so we took took this picture.

Daniel began unwrapping the candy.

Ellie joined in.

Eat one, put one on the train. Eat one, put one on the train.

Click to enlarge and see their work.

It is hard to get a picture with three active children. Here I'm ready, but Ellie wants to eat the smokestack.

The boys were not happy that she took a piece to eat, until I said, "Who else wants a piece?"
End of photo session. :-)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Looks great kids! I bet it tasted good also! What a great tradition, Mom. I'm looking forward to next year's train!