Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Warm Welcome

Jeff called us on Sunday and said he'd been assigned a flight to the United States on Tuesday, and Kitty would be hitching a ride. Larry bought a plane ticket, Eric and Nina bundled the family into the truck, drove for around 14 hours (?) and made it to Spokane, Washington for a brief visit. There were more pictures, and more kids, but Daniel seemed to be the main child participant in the snowball "fight." I just wanted to post a few fun pictures now, and am sure Nina will put some more up on her blog.

"How to Make a Snowball" lesson from Uncle Jeff

Click on the picture for an up close look at all the fun.

Kitty had fun with the kids also..... I think!

Come back again!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Awww...so fun! What a great time! That's one great part of having a pilot brother...random visits from across the world. :)